Luxembourg, Christmas market

(continuer en français) – Published: December 24, 2022

Christmas Market, Luxembourg
Christmas Market, Luxembourg

Winterlights brings together several events in the centre of Luxembourg from the end of November to the beginning of January. It starts with children’s parades at the beginning of December, then several streets are beautifully decorated and illuminated in the evening during the Christmas period. While the large Place Guillaume II in front of the town hall is still occupied by construction work, the Christmas Market is spread out in different parts of the city, with chalets forming several markets.

Place d’Armes

Luxembourg’s main Christmas market takes place on the Place d’Armes during the holiday season. The large nativity scene is located in front of the Cercle Municipal. There are carousels for the youngest and the kiosk allows for several public concerts. More than thirty chalets offer a variety of stalls.

Place d’Armes
Place d’Armes
Place d’Armes
Nativity scene on Place d’Armes

Christmas items

Traditions have a great influence on the type of goods sold in the chalets. Items related to Christmas are always present, even if they may seem a bit out of fashion in ordinary times, Christmas is a different time that makes people think differently. Wood is a material that is often found in the composition of these traditional objects.

Christmas market
Christmas market
Christmas market


Fast-food stalls offer local specialities where sausages are often present. Sturdy food that could cope with the cold. This is where cheerful wood-burning fireplaces can be found to warm up for a moment.

During the Christmas period, the usual warnings against sweets are relaxed and several stands try to seduce the sweet tooth. Sweet treats come in many forms, again tradition returns with gingerbread and nougats, as well as chocolate.

Wood fire


The smell of cinnamon and mulled wine wafts from the big steaming pots where the waiters dip their ladles to fill the glasses. The Glühwein remains a classic, but non-alcoholic options are also becoming more widespread.



In the park along the Boulevard du Prince Henri, a number of chalets are set up around a space with high tables for eating standing up. There is also a stage where musical performances are planned to attract a few people to this slightly out-of-the-way place.



Near the train station, on either side of the Avenue de la Liberté, the Place de Paris hosts the part of the Christmas market dedicated to Santa Claus. At the foot of a large decorated Christmas tree, a golden armchair awaits Santa Claus, who welcomes children who want to meet him. The parents are then happy to leave with a souvenir photo.

There are a dozen chalets around, selling food and hot drinks. It is also a popular place for those who work in the many offices in the area.



A giant pyramid and especially a big wheel with lighting effects that give rhythm to the night make the Place de la Constitution a different space from the other Christmas markets in Luxembourg. At the foot of the Gëlle Fra, the golden statue symbolising Victory, about twenty chalets are installed with all the classics, from gifts to hot sandwiches to eat in the cold.


Articles about Western Europe


    • You are absolutely right, Christmas markets seem to be more authentic in Europe where they are based on ancient traditions. For example, the one in Paris is not on the same scale as the one in Strasbourg, two different histories. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

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